Week by Week Pregnancy 22 - 23 Weeks

Week by Week Pregnancy 22 - 23 Weeks

During these weeks, your baby is about the size of a grapefruit. Your baby's senses are developing rapidly; especially the sense of hearing is quite advanced. He can now hear sounds from the outside world and react to the voice of the expectant mother. The lungs are still developing, but your baby is not yet ready to breathe in the outside world.

During this period, the expectant mother can start to feel her baby's movements regularly. These movements can often be kicks and twists. As the uterus continues to grow, the skin of the abdomen may feel tight and itchy. In addition, expectant mothers may experience problems such as leg cramps and varicose veins due to the increased weight during this period. Regular walks and keeping the legs elevated can alleviate these symptoms.