Inability to Orgasm

Inability to OrgasmInorgasmia or anorgasmia is the inability to reach orgasm despite sufficient stimulation during sexual intercourse. This condition is more common in women than in men.

There are two main types of anorgasmia:

- Primary Anorgasmia: It is a condition in which the person has never experienced orgasm.

- Secondary Anorgasmia: This is a condition in which a person is unable to have an orgasm afterwards, although he/she was able to have an orgasm before.

There can be many different reasons for not having an orgasm:

Physical causes:

- Anatomical causes: The first sexual experience in which the hymen is disrupted, vaginal stenosis, poor healing of postpartum stitches, and surgical interventions in the vagina can cause pain during sexual intercourse.

- Infections: Fungal infections, bacterial infections and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can cause pain in the vagina and vulva, and pain may increase during intercourse.

- Vaginal dryness: This is one of the most common causes. Breastfeeding and menopause periods when estrogen secretion is low, some medications and vaginal infections can cause vaginal dryness.

- Pelvic pain syndromes: Conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can cause pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic area, and pain may increase during sexual intercourse.

- Spasms of the pelvic floor muscles: When these muscles contract involuntarily, it can cause pain during intercourse.

- Vulvodynia: It is characterized by a long-lasting pain in the vulva, the external genitalia.

Psychological reasons:

- Concerns about sexual intercourse: Worries about sexual performance or fear of inadequacy can also cause pain.

- Stress and anxiety: Stress and anxiety can lead to muscle spasm and vaginal dryness, which can cause pain during intercourse.

- Depression: Depression can lead to decreased libido and arousal, which can cause pain during intercourse.

- Traumatic sexual experiences: Experiencing sexual abuse or trauma in the past can lead to painful intercourse.

- Poor body image: Problems with body image can lead to shame and lack of self-confidence during sexual intercourse, which can cause pain.

Causes related to sexual intercourse:

- Inadequate foreplay: Insufficient stimulation can lead to vaginal dryness and pain.

- Inappropriate positions: Some positions can cause more pain than others.

- Rough behavior: Rough or rough movements can cause pain and injury.

The problem of not having an orgasm is a situation that needs to be examined deeply. Because every sexual experience has a different dynamic. 'Being able to have an orgasm' is a condition that can be learned. An evaluation should be made with a detailed gynecological examination and a treatment should be applied for the cause. Communication between partners is also very important in orgasm disorder treatments. Because couples should share with each other what they like and dislike during sexual experience.