Inability to Have Sexual Intercourse

Inability to Have Sexual IntercourseThe reason why a couple cannot have intercourse can be caused by a man or a woman.

Vaginismus comes first among the reasons why women cannot have intercourse. Vaginismus is defined as the difficulty in entering the vagina with a penis, finger and/or object, even though the woman wants to, which occurs in a recurrent or continuous manner. Underlying psychogenic fear is usually the cause. At the moment of vaginal intercourse, there is an involuntary contraction of the pelvic muscles. First, a detailed gynecological examination is performed and treated with sexual therapies.

The second reason for not being able to have sexual intercourse is 'dyspareunia', which we define as painful sexual intercourse. Vaginal infections or formations such as bartholin cysts located in the vagina or at the entrance can cause pain in sexual intercourse. For this, the problematic situation is treated after a detailed gynecological examination. If there is an infection, antibiotics and vaginal ovules, if there is a bartholin abscess or cyst, drainage and antibiotics are recommended.

Sexual reluctance and loss of libido are also among the reasons for not having sexual intercourse. Sexual reluctance; It is a situation where there is a problem for more than 6 months in situations such as having intercourse, starting, having orgasm.

In all these cases, a detailed gynecological evaluation is required first. Usually the cause is psychogenic. However, if an organic cause is found, treatment is planned accordingly.

In case of inability to have sexual intercourse in men;

-Not having sexual experience before

-It may be caused by performance anxiety due to reasons such as having experienced traumatic sexual intercourse before. Detailed urologic evaluation is also required for organic disorders other than these.